Saturday, March 1, 2008

Autoresponder not working in Plesk


Here's what I did to fix it.

% mysql -uadmin -p'password' psa

mysql> create temporary table tmp_mn_param select distinct (mn_param.mn_id)
mn_id, 'locale' param, 'en' val from mn_param where mn_param.param <>
'locale' order by mn_param.mn_id;

mysql>insert into mn_param(mn_id, param, val) select tmp_mn_param.mn_id,
tmp_mn_param.param, tmp_mn_param.val from tmp_mn_param order by

mysql> quit

That fixed it for me instantly, I gave mysql a restart just to be sure, but that should be all that's needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But that didnt work for me . Is there any specific setting require at mail server level